Tuesday, December 14, 2010

AASP Winter Lesson 3

(Note: Your instructor's may be different, so always contact your instructor if you are absent)
Lesson 3 Activities
CAD No.3 Worksheet (=Homework for Lesson 4)

Class Activities

1. Key Skill: Asking Critical Questions Politely and Constructively
2. Rehearsal in pairs
3. CAD No.2: 10~12 min. each (present, lead very short discussion, get feedback)
4. Write reflection at bottom of worksheet and submit it

Homework for Lesson 4
Prepare for CAD No.3 - Listen to Audio / Make Notes / Practice Presenting

Thursday, December 2, 2010

AASP Winter Lesson 2

(Note: Your instructor's may be different, so always contact your instructor if you are absent)

Lesson 2 Activities/ Goal-Setting Sheet
CAD No.2 Worksheet (=Homework for Lesson 3)

Class Activities
  1. Key Skill: Making a Good Argumentative Presentation
  2. Rehearsal in pairs
  3. CAD No.1- 10~12 min. each (present, lead very short discussion, get feedback)
  4. Write reflection at bottom of worksheet and submit it
Homework for Lesson 2
Prepare for CAD No.2 - Listen to Audio / Make Notes / Practice Presenting

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Winter Audio/Video Files

All audio / video files for Winter AASP will be at this link, so please bookmark it.

To download audio files, right-click and Save Target As (名前をつけてリンク先を保存). Feel free to download and listen/shadow as many times as you like!

1. CAD No.1 Sample Presentation on Commercial Surrogacy
(Click here for Audio mp3, 3 min. 2.5MB)
(Click here for the Useful Phrases/Notes/Script)

2. CAD No.2 Sample Critical Questions Dialogue on Commercial Surrogacy
(Click here for the Audio mp3, 3min. 2.7MB)

3. CAD No.3 Sample of Concluding the Discussion and Reporting
(Click here for the Audio mp3, 2 min. 2.4MB)

AASP Winter Syllabus / Lesson 1

(Note: Your instructor's may be different, so always contact your instructor if you are absent)
Syllabus (Goals, Schedule, Evaluation)
Lesson 1 Activities/ Goal-Setting Sheet
CAD No.1 Worksheet (=Homework for Lesson 2)

Class Activities
  1. Greetings
  2. Course Overview
  3. Discussion about academic speaking skills and goals
  4. Write ideas on your Goal Setting sheet and give it to your instructor
Homework for Lesson 2
  1. Prepare for CAD No.1 - Listen to Audio / Make Notes / Practice Presenting

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Fall 2010 Syllabus

Here is the link to the AASP course syllabus for 2010.

Please note that your section's instructor may give you a syllabus that is different in some ways. If so, please follow your instructor's syllabus. Also, please note that the schedule or class contents may change, so you need to keep up to date by listening to your teacher in class.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Guidelines for the Final Group Presentation

Basically, you will join a group of 3-5 students and develop a well-organized 15-20 minute group presentation that argues a thesis (opinion) persuasively.

Click here for a document that outlines the final group presentation and the steps of the project.

Also, here is one possible checklist for an effective persuasive presentation.

The following slide show is still under construction, but is one possible example:

Please note that your instructor may give you guidelines that are different from these. If so, please follow those of your instructor.

1-Minute Speeches & the Initial Assessment

One good way to develop confidence in presentation speaking is to repeat a basic speech, making it better and better with more techniques and practice.

That is why, in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th lessons of AASP Fall, each of you will give a one-minute speech.
The topic of the speech will always be the same: My Favorite ____ (place/book/person etc..)
  1. In the 2nd class, you will make it to your partner, focusing on body language: eye contact, smile, and gestures.
  2. In the 3rd class, you will make it to a small group of 3~4 people, focusing on the way you use your voice including volume, fluency (comfortable speed/pausing) and emphasis of key words.
  3. In the4th class, you will stand in front of all classmates in the front of the room with a visual aid (PowerPoint slide etc.), and your speech will be video recorded like the good? example below.
  4. Your short video will be used for your Intial Self-Assessment. You will watch your video, do a self-analysis, and set goals for improving your speaking skills.

One good way to practice is to record your voice like this on Voice Thread. You can do this easily in the ILC and can practice as many times as you like until you are satisfied :- )

Saturday, August 1, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 1: Getting Started with Group Presentations

Lesson 1 Handout (Usually under construction until just before class!)

Main Activities

  1. Meet your classmates and try to learn all of their names!
  2. A quick overview of the AASP syllabus and the Final Group Presentation.
  3. Skill: Selecting an academic group presentation topic.
  4. Make groups, decide your group's presentation topic, and report it to the teacher and class.
Preparation for Lesson 2
  1. Practice your 1-minute speech: My Favorite _____ .See an example here.
  2. Start researching your group's presentation topic and thinking about your outline.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 2: Non-Verbal Skills for Presentations

Lesson 2 Handout (Usually under construction until just before class!)

Main Activities

  1. Warm-Up: Welcome back! Stand in a circle and try to say all classmate names.
  2. 1 Minute Speech No.1: Still standing, in small groups of 2~3, make your 1 minute Speech No.1 "My Favorite ____" to your group members. Also, can one or two people volunteer to make their speech for the whole class?
  3. Mini-Lesson: How to make a group presentation outline.
  4. Group Meeting: Developing the group outline and dividing responsibilities.
Preparation for Lesson 3
  1. Practice your one minute speech (the same one!) with a focus on improving non-verbal aspects (smile, eye contact, gestures, posture) and voice aspects (volume, pausing, rhythm, emphasis of key words).
  2. Do further research on your group presentation, with a special focus on your own part.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 3: Creating Visuals for Presentations

Lesson 3 Handout (Usually under construction until just before class!)

Main Activities
  1. 1 Minute Speech No.2: In groups of 5~6 people, make your 1 minute Speech "My Favorite ____". Also, can one or two people (different from last time) volunteer to make their speech to the whole class?
  2. Mini-Lesson: How to create effective visual materials for a presentation.
  3. Group Meeting: Start finalizing the outline content based on the results of your research. Make sure your research is leading to ONE clear thesis that your group will argue as a group in an organized way.
Preparation for Lesson 4
  1. Create a visual aid to use in your 1-minute speech, which will be recorded on VIDEO. Make sure you confirm any requirements your instructor has such as submitting your visual aid by email in advance. Because EVERY student will make a 1-minute speech in front of the whole class, it is important that everyone is ready to go with no waste of time for technical problems.
  2. Practice your one minute speech (the same one!) with your visual aid. Of course, focus on improving non-verbal aspects (smile, eye contact, gestures, posture) and voice aspects (volume, pausing, rhythm, emphasis of key words). Remember that you will be standing up in front of everyone, and you will be recorded on video!
  3. Do further research on your group presentation, with a special focus on your own part. In Lesson 4, there will be basically no time for group discussion, so please continue efficient collaboration online and out of class. Remember that prior to Lesson 5: Rehearsal, your group may need to submit your Outline, Visual Aid, and possible other materials to your instructor for receive feedback prior to the rehearsal.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 4: Video-Recording of 1-Minute Speeches

Lesson 4 Handout (Usually under construction until just before class!)
Initial Self-Assessment Sheet (feel free to copy questions/type answers)
Model of Initial Self-Assessment Answers

Main Activities

  1. 1 Minute Speech Video Recordings on stage in front of all classmates using presentation slides.
  2. Group meeting to create slides and notes and prepare for next week's rehearsal.
Preparation for Lesson 5
  1. Do your Initial Self-Assessment to set specific goals for your presentation skill improvement.
  2. Collaborate with group members to finish your presentation slides and notes before next week's presentation rehearsal.

Monday, July 27, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 5: Rehearsal Day

Lesson 5 Handout (Usually under construction until just before class!)
Preview of Presentation Evaluation Criteria Sheet

Main Activities

  1. Decide group presentation schedule by jaken or choosing numbers.
  2. Go over useful phrases for the introduction, body, conclusion, and Q&A time.
  3. Group meeting or rehearsal to finalize content and practice useful phrases.
Preparation for Lesson
  1. Finalize your content (make sure all points are clearly organized with a thesis!), practice well, and do a group rehearsal prior to your presentation day.
  2. Send your group's visuals and notes to your instructor at least 2 days in advance if you have questions or want suggestions.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

AASP Fall Lessons 6 and 7: Presentation Days

Presentation Day Handout (Note: Your instructor's may be slightly different)

Peer Feedback Sheet (Fill out during/after the presentation)

Final Self-Assessment (Submit this as your instructor requests by paper/email etc.)

In this group presentation, just do your best to work together and present your part with passion and energy. Don't forget to smile! Prepare well and support your team members and classmates with encouragement and also constructive suggestions!

Friday, July 24, 2009

AASP Fall Lesson 8: Reflection and Goal-Setting

This class is for reflecting on how the group presentation went, getting advice from your instructor, and setting goals for improving your presentations in the future.

Note: If your class has 9 lessons, your instructor will decide how to use that period. If you have suggestions, please let your instructor know them.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Some Good? Bad? Presentation Samples

Below are a few presentation examples from the Internet.
What aspects of these presentations are good? What aspects are not so good?

Any presentation has room for improvement, so the important thing for you, as ICU students, is to keep developing your awareness of the characteristics of good presentations!

For example, in this first one, can you see what she is doing wrong in the first presentation? Try comparing it to the second.

Here's a creatively produced bad example. Please DON'T make presentations like the video below!

Finally, here is an example of a non-native speaker at Harvard. What are his techniques??

and here is an example of a "persuasive" speech. What aspects are good? What are the weaknesses?